Hotsprings and David Garrigues

A Wee Story about David Garrigues:

from my journal, April 2006 or 2007...

One of the best memories I have of the great teachings of David Garrigues is when he and I were at Kirkham hot springs in central Idaho. David was visiting me in Boise to teach a workshop at my small studio, Ashtanga Yoga Boise. 

During this particular spring, there was a ton of water in the river from the large amount of snow that had fallen in the winter. I decided to take David to Kirkham because it is right next to the river and we could see the amazing amount of water as we soaked. 

Yet at the time we were there, the river was at it's highest of the year! And the warm hotsprings were warming us right up, so the cold water seemed appealing. David then said to me after looking at the water for some time, "Oh, let's get in!"

I said, "I don't think it is a good idea, David. Look how it is flooding and the current is so fast. It looks dangerous!"

He said, "No way, man! Let's go! Oh Sarah, come on we have to!"

"I don't know, David."

But before I could say any more, he was heading up the river bank along the rocks so that he could plunge himself into the raging river and then hop right back out.

Of course I followed him - because that is what you do when you love and care for someone. Even if it is follow them.

So there he went. SPLASH! Into the water he jumped and the current took his body so fast I could tell it was hard for him to get back to the side of the river. But he was safe and was smiling from ear to ear.

I went for it. Jump! Before I knew it, the current swept me so fast, so I paddled as fast as I could where I made it safely to the side. Thank god, I thought to myself, that was ridiculous and I am so glad it was over. There was no way I was going to do that again.

Meanwhile David was smiling from ear to ear. He then said, "Right on, man! Let's go again!"

"No way, David!"

He said, "Ohhhhhh come on, Sarah, we have to!"

So of course I went with him again, how could I say no to him!? Best part is that we didn't just go into the river another time - I believe we went in another four times!

So not only did I completely get over my fear of the river quickly - I had incredible faith that everything was going to be okay. Why? Because I was with David and he had no fear of anything - he was filled with only happiness, only fun and pure joy.

This was the beginning of what has become a long journey of yogic study and friendship with David; even after these past few years I will most likely continue to follow him into some perilous river if he asked me to. And I know that no matter what, it is going to be ok...maybe even fun and adventurous!

1 comment:

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